C - Definitions

  • C

    case-based reasoning (CBR)

    Case-based reasoning (CBR) is an experience-based approach to solving new problems by adapting previously successful solutions to similar problems.

  • chain-of-thought prompting

    Chain-of-thought prompting is a prompt engineering technique that aims to improve language models' performance on tasks requiring logic, calculation and decision-making by structuring the input prompt in a way that mimics human reasoning.

  • clustering in machine learning

    Clustering is a data science technique in machine learning that groups similar rows in a data set.

  • cognitive bias

    Cognitive bias is a systematic thought process caused by the tendency of the human brain to simplify information processing through a filter of personal experience and preferences.

  • cognitive computing

    Cognitive computing is the use of computerized models to simulate the human thought process in complex situations where the answers might be ambiguous and uncertain.

  • cognitive modeling

    Cognitive modeling is an area of computer science that deals with simulating human problem-solving and mental processing in a computerized model.

  • cognitive search

    Cognitive search represents a new generation of enterprise search that uses artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to improve users' search queries and extract relevant information from multiple diverse data sets.

  • computational linguistics (CL)

    Computational linguistics (CL) is the application of computer science to the analysis and comprehension of written and spoken language.

  • conversational AI (conversational artificial intelligence)

    Conversational AI (conversational artificial intelligence) is a type of AI that enables computers to understand, process and generate human language.

  • convolutional neural network (CNN)

    A convolutional neural network (CNN) is a category of machine learning model, namely a type of deep learning algorithm well suited to analyzing visual data.

  • crypto-agility

    Crypto-agility, or cryptographic agility, is a data encryption practice used by organizations to ensure a rapid response to a cryptographic threat.

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